So-Yeon Kim/ Artist


“Did you have atopy?” “Yes, and it was severe.” People may not know the fact that I used to have atopy until I tell them. Atopy was my main issue during my teenage life. My atopy started when I was in 5th grade. I started to see it on my arms and it was okay in the beginning. But, got worse and worse and then when I was in junior high, the atopy spread throughout my entire body.


I had a depression and social phobia due to atopy

I had pus coming from bumps on my face, and I had sores over my whole body. I tried all different kinds of atopy treatment. I met a dermatology doctor to get help and also went to see an acupuncture doctor. I changed my diet, and even changed the wallpaper in my room. I had to be careful of what I ate, wore and everything in between. But, I didn’t see any improvement.

Sometimes I became a little better, but sometimes I became worse. During this process, I became really exhausted. I cried a lot at that time. I didn’t want to see my reflection in the mirror, so I always turned the light off while taking showers. I also suffered from social phobia due to my atopy. If I mention how I used to be, no one believes me because of how I am now. My skin is very clean. My atopy has disappeared forever. So, now I’d like to explain how I started this meditation since meditation was what got rid of my atopy.


My atopy has completely cleared since I found the main reason and threw it away.  It took only 8 months.

Before 4th grade in my elementary school, I was a popular and smart girl. But, when I got to 5th grade, I started to feel stress about how I looked, my exam scores, and relationships with friends. Due to that, I started to have atopy. I also forced myself to study harder and because of that, my atopy worsened.

I had always been top student in the class, so I didn’t want to lose to anyone. I had a strong inferiority,

Since I had atopy, I pretended even more to be okay and tried to hide my atopy, which brought about more stress and my atopy got worse. It could’ve been fine if I had met this meditation at that time. I could’ve thrown away my mind of stress and inferiority.

After 3 months of starting this meditation, my atopy began to disappear. 8 months later, my atopy disappeared completely. Whenever I felt pain on my skin, I always meditated and I became totally fine. I found out what the main reason of my atopy was. It was not simply illness, but I had it because of ‘my mind’. After doing this meditation, everything in my life turned out well. My body and mind had been completely healed, and my relationship with friends and family members improved greatly.

In my opinion, atopy is not something that can be cured only by any medication or treatment because it usually comes from stress. The main reason why I had atopy at that time was because I was so stressed about having good relationships with the other kids. I almost had a social phobia and depression. Thus, the perfect solution for atopy is if you could do both treatment and meditation. Now, I’m grateful to my atopy because I was able to start this meditation.

