Finally, The Happy World That People Want To Live Has Come! - Wisdom's Webzine


Have you heard of this meditation? These days, this meditation has been very sensational. This meditation seminar tour is ongoing throughout the cities in Korea and hundreds if not thousands of people attend each seminar. Regardless of which country it is, people are increasingly interested in this meditation possibly because their life is insecure and dejected.

I am writing to let you know about some great news. I would like to tell you that in this generation you don’t have to be sad or stressed out and in fact, everyone can live joyfully with laughter. That generation is here! Of course, the writer has completed this meditation program. From my experience, this meditation is literally an enormous study: it is so great that those who miss this study would regret it for the rest of his life. The writer has witnessed that so many people have already completed this meditation and really live happily. Those who completed this meditation have no stress that all the other people have;their mind is always as light as a balloon, as happy and joyful as innocent kids, and filled with love. While struggling to survive economic depression, many commit suicide and suffer from exhaustion and depression. So it might sound awkward that such joyful people really exist in the world of this generation.

However, it is a fact. The misfortune of your mind is created by yourself;however, you can really recover your happy true mind by subtracting the pain and stress you have in your mind. Then, you can always live joyfully with the mind as light as a balloon, like those complete people through this meditation. How good this news is! Thousands of people are already living in this way. This is important. It’s difficult to find those who are always happy and joyful in the world. But thousands of people are already living joyfully and happily through this meditation. Those who strive not to live in the pain and stress of life and try to practice this meditation, would be truly wise.

There are over 350 meditation centers all around the world. (for more information, Anyone nearby can easily attend the center and as a bonus, it offers guided meditation from 9 a.m. to midnight, 365 days a year. How good does it sound?

Before, even though we wanted to become happy there wasn’t a method to do so. We could not be happy. However, it is truly good news that we now have this meditation program where you are guided to throw away your pain and stress. Should you miss this good chance at this very time when everyone else is living so merrily, deeply immersed in happiness and dancing around? Free introductory lectures are offered regularly at each of the local centers. If you visit the website, you can find information about your local center.

The coming generation would be a joyful world. Once each one of us becomes joyful, the world becomes joyful too. If we live joyfully without worries by throwing away the pain and stress from our mind and become one with the mind of the world, this world will become much brighter and everyone will live joyfully with laughter. Now is the time when anyone can live so. I truly hope that you can also live happily and merrily by grabbing this chance now. Let us do this meditation altogether!