There was a grumpy young man.

He wanted to be successful, but he didn’t think the circumstances were helping him.

He went to the king and asked him to teach him how to succeed.

While giving the man a glass full of water, the king said,

“If you circle around the city with this glass of water and come back, I’ll teach you the secret. However, if you spill the water, you’ll receive a severe punishment.”

The young man came back from walking around the city sweating profusely.

The king asked,

“What was it like when you looked around the city? It’s noisy, isn’t it? Were there a lot of traders?”

“Well, I couldn’t see or hear anything because I only cared about the glass of water.”

Then the king said, “That’s the secret to success.”

There’s a word called wholeheartedly.

When you do something, pour all your heart and energy into it.

People who are fully absorbed can’t complain.

The problem is that you don’t get involved and focus very well.

Ask yourself, “What are the things that hinder my concentration?”

Did you think of something else even in this short moment while reading this article?

The secret to success….

Above all, you have to stop the constant thinking.

Stop Thinking!

You should discard your mind to stop thinking.
